Friday 18 September 2009

Trying to avoid adulthood.

How often do we reach a proverbial crossroads in our lives?

My name is Chris Madden, I have just finished university and find myself striding out into the real world. I’ll be honest, this is not my first foray into the world, I took a gap year before university, and spent half of it travelling round the USA. But this point in my life is the first time I’ve been living ‘without a net’ as it were.

I’m sure any of you reading this who are around your late teens/early twenties, or those of you who have passed through this period, can sympathise with the sensations I’m about to describe. It’s the nagging sensation that education is over and adulthood should probably be beginning. Money is short, and the parents are beginning to get tetchy over when you’re going to get a job. To be honest though, a job is not often at the forefront of the mind at the moment. I’ve discovered that the side effect of doing a degree which is not profession specific (English and Greek Civilisation) is that I don’t have a job to stumble into. A part of me envies the medics who know exactly where they’re heading after their degree finishes. While I do have a long term plan, it seems that this is more a time when I should be travelling, and experiencing the world before getting tied down to the finalities of jobs.

So with that in mind we arrive here. This is the crossroads, and I have done a pretty good job of making it far more dramatic and clichéd than I intended to. Nevermind, join me here for a small insight into the life of someone moving on from education, but trying desperately to avoid adulthood!

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