Thursday 4 February 2010

Top Fives

I’m still heavily influenced by what I watch on film and TV, by what I read in books.

It all sort of goes back to that childish imnagination which is triggered by what you see. If you watch and episode of Power Rangers you want to be one; you spend hours wanting to use dinosaur powers to turn yourself into an intergalactic ninja. Then you get a bit older and after seeing a James Bond film you want to drink martinis in sharp suits and pick up continental women. Finally you just start being influenced by lifestyle ideas from films, books and TV.

A while ago I considered starting a diary after seeing Cruel Intentions again, which indirectly led me to blogging – but that’s another story for another time! However, after watching High Fidelity the other day I picked up on a different idea; Top Fives.

As a self-professed indecisive, Top Five lists actually work quite well for me. It’s pretty easy, and makes for a good time killer. Time is one thing I’m very long on at the moment.

So every now and again, I’ll be sharing my Top Five lists with all you lovely people.

So starting simple;


1. Fight Club
2. Star Wars (the original trilogy)
3. The Dark Knight
4. Pulp Fiction
5. Silence of the Lambs


1. How I met your mother
2. Doctor Who
3. Scrubs
4. Top Gear
5. House


1. American Pie – Don McLean
2. House of the Rising Song – The Animals
3. Hotel California – The Eagles
4. Viva La Vida - Coldplay
5. Hurt – Johnny Cash

So there we go, for the moment. I’m now back after a slightly mad month or so, but more about that at another time. If you ever find yourself with too much time give Top Five’s a shot yourself.

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